
Thanks for joining me on my journey. PeaceTrees Vietnam is committed to reversing the legacy of war in Quang Tri Province and to developing relationships based on core values of peace, friendship and renewal. I invite you to learn more about PeaceTrees through my story and by visiting their website.
- Sue Warner-Bean

08 April 2009

Traveling Light

A funny thing happened at the Jesse Griego Kindergarten dedication. My friend Jim suddenly discovered he'd lost a lot of weight.

Because he says it so beautifully, I asked Jim if I could quote him here. With his permission, I share his words.

"The first time I went to Viet Nam, I experienced things and came home with a set of memories. I have carried those memories like a heavy pack for a long time. Now I have gone back to Viet Nam and experienced new things and have a whole new set of memories to dwell upon. At the moment the dedication plaque at the Jesse Kindergarten was unveiled, I felt the pack was not so heavy anymore. There is just a lightness about all of it. Peace.

"Jesse's mission is complete and I hope thousands of children pass through the school doors to learn and have fun. I was able to set Jesse's spirit free and in doing so, realized that for the first time in forty-one years, it is OK to be alive."

And how very, very glad I am that you are.

Bless you, my friend Jim. Now and always, I wish you peace.


Anonymous said...

Amen Jim! You have only finished the first leg of this, your incredible journey; there are many more to come. Go in Peace to love and to serve our God, our Nation and our Corps!


Jon & Oskaar

Anonymous said...

your next mission..??? or are you complete

Sue said...

Happy you asked!

First and foremost, there's a need for continued support of existing projects. The David Warner Kindergarten has ongoing operational costs, especially since the school provides a free lunch to the kids who attend (and other hungry children who may show up, as well). The same is true of the Jesse Griego Kindergarten.

The most recent project has been fund-raising for the Peace & Reconciliation Library in Trieu Dong, Quang Tri Province. The Library honors Chuck Meadows, my brother David's commanding officer in Vietnam. Chuck also volunteered as executive director of PeaceTrees for six years. The dedication is in March; Chuck will be there, and so will my sister.

Although I haven't settled on a "next mission" yet, my friend Jim and I have been discussing some possibilities. Your comment reminds me that this is a great way to share updates, and I'll be sure to post the news when we launch the next project.

Thanks again for asking!